Law, Economy and Society

from Systemic Trichotomy to Legal Pluralism




Economic Power, Judicial power, Consumer Law, Legal Pluralism


In order to analyze the integration between Law, Economy, Society and the divergence that arises between them due to different rhythms of evolution, and having as a theoretical framework the observation of Ferdinand Lassalle on the disparity between social reality and Law, the scientific article investigates whether the site "Reclame Aqui" represents a practical example of legal pluralism in contemporary Brazilian society. Using the deductive method, the study examines the viability of this hypothesis in the light of the State model and political-legal command established in the 1988 Constitution. The article seeks to understand whether this specific channel of conflict resolution in the context of consumption can be considered a form of of legal pluralism, expanding the understanding of Law beyond the officially established legal norms. By analyzing this route as a means of managing consumerist conflicts, the article proposes that its analysis offers a way to understand legal pluralism and the Law in a broader perspective, going beyond the formally established legal precepts.


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Author Biography

Daniel Marinho Corrêa, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutorando e Mestre em Direito Negocial pela Universidade Estadual de Londrina (UEL). Autor de obras jurídicas e colaborador em projetos de pesquisa da UEL (Londrina, PR). Professor universitário (Newton Paiva, Belo Horizonte, MG), servidor do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Paraná e mediador judicial (Londrina, PR);


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How to Cite

Marinho Corrêa, D. (2025). Law, Economy and Society: from Systemic Trichotomy to Legal Pluralism. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 10(2).



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