Escritas amefricanas

diálogos entre Ana Maria Gonçalves e Luz Argentina Chiriboga


  • Júlia Dias da Silva UFBA



Amefricanity; Aphrodiaspora; Ana Maria Gonçalves; Black women writing; Luz Argentina Chiriboga.


Based on the idea that the literature produced by black writers leads to subjective experiences, goes back to the memories – individual and collective – of black women and fulfills identity, collective and political duties, this article reflects on the possibilities of reading two works that retell the colonial slave system, report the inhumane forced crossing (Africa-America), explain about the cultural and family disruptions of Africans kidnapped in Africa and enslaved in the Americas. And, above all, they give visibility to black women who are protagonists of individual and collective stories. The intellectual and literary production of black women – here represented by Ana Maria Gonçalves (Brazil) and Luz Argentina Chiriboga (Ecuador), who although they produce in different countries, are brought together by the scars of coloniality throughout America –, reconstructs experiences and triggers collective memories of the slave and past from the present that inherited the stigmatization of black bodies deprived of social, intellectual and cultural identity. Thus, the recreation of the narratives and images of the black people, disconnected from the hegemonic pattern that dehumanizes and annihilates our (re) existence, constitutes a driving force for historical rescues, identity representations and black protagonism. To this end, it is appropriate in this study to bring together the afrographs woven in Um defeito de cor, by Ana Maria Gonçalves, and Jonatás y Manuela, by Luz Argentina Chiriboga, that way highlighting the insurgent movements of black writers that point to the processes of self-identity, collective identity, pains and struggles of the (re) existence of the black people in the aphrodiaspora.



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Author Biography

Júlia Dias da Silva, UFBA

Doutoranda em Literatura e Cultura; Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA; Salvador, Bahia, Brasil; E-mail:



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How to Cite

Silva, J. D. da. (2022). Escritas amefricanas: diálogos entre Ana Maria Gonçalves e Luz Argentina Chiriboga. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4).



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