A discursividade em relação às tecnologias digitais como ferramenta potencializadora no processo de ensinar e de aprender em um coletivo de graduandos de Matemática


  • DANIELE FONSECA Universidade Federal do Rio Grande
  • Daniel da Silva Silveira


Digital technologies in the educational field provoke a rethinking of practices related to teaching and learning in the formation of mathematics teachers. The objective of this work is to understand the discourse in relation to digital technologies as an empowering tool in the process of teaching and learning from a group of students in the initial formation process of the Mathematics Degree Course at FURG. The research is of a qualitative nature and the records produced in discussion forums originated speeches that were prepared by the technique of the Collective Subject Discourse. In this work, the collective discourse entitled “Digital technologies as potentializing interfaces in the teaching and learning process” is analyzed, which converged to think about the importance of mediation and the use of technologies in the classroom in search of equity between individuals. Thus, we can conclude that it is in reflecting on educational processes that the technological appropriation of both teachers and students in training is enhanced.


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How to Cite

FONSECA, D., & da Silva Silveira, D. . (2021). A discursividade em relação às tecnologias digitais como ferramenta potencializadora no processo de ensinar e de aprender em um coletivo de graduandos de Matemática. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4). Retrieved from https://periodicos.claec.org/index.php/relacult/article/view/2074



VI Encontro Humanístico Multidisciplinar