Rescuing the Milan Congress?!

Segregation under the cloak of legality.


  • QUELI DORNELLES MORAIS Universidade Federal do Pampa
  • Claudete da Silva Lima Martins Universidade Federal do Pampa - UNIPAMPA Bagé


Pounds; Segregation; Milan Congress; Legality;


In the midst of such obscure moments provided by the pandemic, education needed to be resized, a large part of the Brazilian professors rethought their practices, tried a new pedagogical practice. The distance needs to be overcome by moments of study with even more affective contributions, directed not only at the child, but also at the family, now present in several classrooms full time. Nevertheless, in the midst of all this atypicality and enormous range of work that the teacher has undergone in order to comply with all the routines and the unbridled search for bringing together all students in synchronous moments, providing activities for those who do not have access to Internet; education sectors in the belief that this exhausted professional would not turn his attention to the scenario of gradual dismantling of the education that is being asserted, it bombards the educational scenario, before the pandemic with the implementation of a prescriptive document represented by the BNCC, then the new National Special Education Policy emerges: Equitable, Inclusive and with Lifelong Learning. The creation of this Policy, as well as the ways in which it provides for the education of people with disabilities and in this reflection with an emphasis on the education of the deaf, reproduces some effects of the Milan Congress (1880) and once again the listening culture decides instead of the deaf, disrespecting all the achievements arising from a trajectory of struggles of people with disabilities for civil rights and against prejudice alluded to in the PNE (BRASIL, 2011), in decree 5626 (BRASIL, 2005), which guarantees bilingual education. This is a qualitative research of a bibliographic nature that aims to reflect the reflexes of educational changes in the daily life of the common school, in a municipality in the south of Brazil where researchers in the area have been trying to understand and help in the continuity of the scenario of an inclusive process in the process of disassemble.


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How to Cite

DORNELLES MORAIS, Q., & da Silva Lima Martins, C. . (2021). Rescuing the Milan Congress?! : Segregation under the cloak of legality. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4). Retrieved from



VI Encontro Humanístico Multidisciplinar