1989 De’VIA Manifest

: political declaration and denaturalization of deaf art


  • Gabriele Vieira Neves IFSC - UNISUL




political subjectivity, deaf culture, language, De’VIA art, visual art


The present study aims to analyze the De'VIA Manifest (Deaf View / Image Art) as a political statement by the deaf community in the epistemological field of visual arts. For this, the document produced in 1989 by a group of deaf artists from the United States was used, describing the characteristics of De’VIA art, as well as its political purpose. Studies on language, politics and subjectivity by authors such as Jacques Rancière, Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze were used as a theoretical framework. After the translation and reading of the document, it was realized that the De'VIA manifesto explores the power of visual arts as a device for the political subjectification of deaf subjects and reconfigures the sharing of the sensitive, where deaf people historically have taken the place of subjects without a voice and no words. It was concluded that the movement can be understood as a battle in the field of language, since its founding document proposes the denaturalization of the generic term “deaf art” and its replacement by the term De'VIA, a word created by the junction of the language American Sign and English Language.


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How to Cite

Vieira Neves, G. (2021). 1989 De’VIA Manifest: : political declaration and denaturalization of deaf art. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4). https://doi.org/10.23899/relacult.v7i4.2053



Latinidades – Fórum Latino-Americano de Estudos Fronteiriços