Extension project “Educators capacities strengthening in the CAIF program in the Cerro Largo state- Uruguay” presentation.


  • Mariana Porta Galván Centro de Estudios de la Frontera, UdelaR




professional qualification, university extension project, border, social policies since the infant and family, vulnerability.


Into the research line about State, social policies and citizenship, is relevant to know the orientated social policies reality in the first infant and your implementations. This job present a university extension project accomplished with the CAIF de Cerro Largo center with the purpose of strengthening the practices of the social operators in these centers, according to the following questions: Which are the characteristics assumed by the implementation of these policies in a bordering department? Which challenges propose to their operators? We consider that the social policies implementation, beyond the way that is conceived, organized and expressed in your documents, imply an appropriation process which leads to interpretations and adaptations which are manifested in the practice. Those practices respond to the involved operators provisions, habits and known (understood as tacit and explicit known), in a direct link with the own culture of the process in which are developed. In this implementation process and their multiple management level, are found the challenges which we intend to contribute through a operators capacitating proposal, which respond to the diversity of each territory and each social background. 


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Author Biography

Mariana Porta Galván, Centro de Estudios de la Frontera, UdelaR

Socióloga, Centro de Estudios de la Frontera, UdelaR


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How to Cite

Porta Galván, M. (2015). Extension project “Educators capacities strengthening in the CAIF program in the Cerro Largo state- Uruguay” presentation. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 1(02), 103–105. https://doi.org/10.23899/relacult.v1i02.17



Dossiê - Educação, Política e Sociedade