The genesis of IPHAN and authoritarian thinking


  • Alexandre Villas Bôas Universidade Federal do Pampa



Patrimônio; Autoritarismo; Estado.


This work aims to characterize the formation of the Historical and Artistic Institute (IPHAN) from its ideological bias built by intellectuals who participated in the creation of the highest body of management of the Brazilian cultural heritage at the time of establishment of the authoritarian regime New State. To decide what should be preserved or the concept of Brazilian national heritage understood as the Luso-Brazilian Baroque architecture erected as the symbol of the nation was not made. This ideology enabled the Vargas regime consolidate in the minds of society a common origin of the Brazilian people trampled on so-called heritage of stone and lime. The instant the authoritarian thinking required the intervention of a dictatorial state leading society born a controlled body by intellectuals who had a link to the modernist movement and end up participating in this authoritarian state. To analyze the relationship between modernist intellectuals in the field of cultural heritage and the Estado Novo, his influence on the concept of national heritage and its implications in the constitution of IPHAN and its heritage preservation policy is the scope of this paper to identify elements of authoritarian thinking in a speech considered by its makers as purely technical and stripped of ideological content.




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How to Cite

Villas Bôas, A. (2024). The genesis of IPHAN and authoritarian thinking. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 10(1).



Dossiê - Políticas Patrimoniais e Cidades