Reflecting on Amazonian society in the 20th century in A caligraphia de Deus, by Marcio Souza and Aruanda-Banho de Cheiro, by Eneida de Moraes.




Amazon; Culture and society; Literature and History; Environment.


This study seeks to analyze and understand social, cultural and historical aspects emerging in the Amazon region, in the 20th century, through a dialogue between literature and history to understand elements of past temporalities, in literatures The old tannery of the book neighborhood The calligraphy of God (2007), by Marcio Souza and Aruanda-banho de Cheiro (1989), by Eneida de Moraes. Therefore, it is developed through a qualitative approach with mapping literary, scientific and theoretical texts, as well as a technique for collecting and analyzing their content. Presenting scenes from Manaus and Belém, the analysis of the works in dialogue with the theoretical contribution allowed us to visualize and reflect on the cultural, social and historical elements emerging in the region, the Amazonian subjects, and aspects that directly and indirectly impact their social daily lives, how they organized and lived. As research that is still in development, the use of other methodological instruments and analysis tools is relevant, and the significance of future research on the subjects covered here and other related issues is highlighted.


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Author Biographies

Mirlene Paula da Silva, Universidade Federal do Pará

Graduated in Literature with specialization in Portuguese from the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) - Campus Bragança. Graduating in Pedagogy - (intensive) from UFPA. Experience (one year) in teaching, working as a teacher in the modular education system through the municipal education department of Bragança-PA. He is currently a fellow on the research project that deals with the "Dilemmas of the contemporary world in literature: history, memory, biographies in dialogues with Christianity in the 20th century" by post-doctoral professor César Augusto Martins de Souza, from the Federal University of Pará.

Lorena de Fátima Castro Alves, Universidade Federal do Pará

Graduating from the Pedagogy course at the Federal University of Pará. PIBIC scholarship holder for the project entitled "Dilemas of the Contemporary World in Literature: memories, history and biographies in dialogues with 20th century Christianity" coordinated by Professor Doctor César Martins de Souza. As areas of research and interest, contemporary themes, family relationships and religiosity, analyzed in literary works in dialogue with scientific and theoretical studies.

César Martins de Souza, Universidade Federal do Pará

Professor at the Amazon Institute of Family Agriculture and the Postgraduate Programs in Amazon Agriculture (PPGAA) and Languages ​​and Knowledge in the Amazon, all at the Federal University of Pará. He is vice-coordinator of the PPGAA and editor of Nova Revista Amazônica/UFPA. PhD in History from the Fluminense Federal University.


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How to Cite

da Silva, M. P., Castro Alves, L. de F., & Martins de Souza, C. (2024). Reflecting on Amazonian society in the 20th century in A caligraphia de Deus, by Marcio Souza and Aruanda-Banho de Cheiro, by Eneida de Moraes. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 10(3).



IX Encontro Humanístico Multidisciplinar