Living to walk: Walking to live - experiences, imaginations and spatiality of the feet.

Caminhar para viver - experiências, imaginações e espacialidades dos pés




art, walking, creative geography, cultural geography, gesture


There are many ways to travel the world and one of them is with our feet, walking. This gesture, usually learned in the first months of life, allows us to move the body through space and, over time, helps us to transform our surroundings, create relationships with the environment, seek something like a geographical experience. Many people have dedicated their research to the movement of the feet, so thinking about its geographicity has certain complexities, taking into account the famous phrase, shared by many who pass through this field of knowledge: geography is done with the feet. This work was not only intended to think about walking but above all, to exercise this gesture. Based on investigations that have this movement as their medium and, mainly, having creative geography — a methodology that has in experimental and artistic practices a way of relating the two fields so that art is not only understood as a tool of spatial interpretation — as a methodological proposal, it was intended to think about the ways of walking and their effects on imagination and spatial production, from paths
trodden during the year 2021, which resulted in the production of photographs and objects in clay.


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Author Biographies

Thays Ukan, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Mestranda em Geografia pelo programa de pós-graduação em geografia da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR); Pesquisadora associada ao Laboratório de território, cultura e representações (LATECRE - UFPR); Curitiba; Paraná; Brasil.

Marcos Alberto Torres, Federal University of Paraná

Doutor em Geografia pelo programa de pós-graduação em geografia da Universidade Federal do Paraná; Coordenador do Laboratório de território, cultura e representações (LATECRE - UFPR); Curitiba; Paraná; Brasil.


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How to Cite

Ukan, T., & Torres, M. A. (2023). Living to walk: Walking to live - experiences, imaginations and spatiality of the feet.: Caminhar para viver - experiências, imaginações e espacialidades dos pés. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 8(4).



VII Encontro Humanístico Multidisciplinar