Vineyard cultural landscape of Serra Gaúcha

Reflections about heritage and tourism




vineyard, cultural heritage, landscape, wine tourism, cultural identity


This article has been developed during the postdoctoral at the Geography Department of UFRGS and is part of a research project linked to Culture, Heritage and Territories of Wine. The article aims to discuss the link between landscape and cultural heritage, to identify elements that express the wine growing landscape in the Serra Gaucha and to verify the relation between cultural landscape and tourism development in the region. The methodological procedures included bibliography review and fieldwork in Bento Gonçalves, Monte Belo do Sul and Pinto Bandeira, cities in the northeast region of Rio Grande do Sul, known as Serra Gaúcha. The article starts from thinking about the complexity and the development of Landscape and Cultural Landscape concepts. Thereafter we bring a synthesis of the instruments of landscape patrimonialization and we also mention examples of Vineyard Cultural Landscape recognized by UNESCO.  We present the main identifying elements observed in the Serra Gaucha wine growing landscapes and discuss about tourism expansion in the region. To finalize, we highlight the importance of the cultural identity in landscape formation and in tourism, showing the need of preservation and enhancement of the cultural heritage and landscapes to promote sustainable development and tourism strengthening in the studied region.


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How to Cite

Bellé, S., Tonini, H. ., & Medeiros, R. M. V. . (2021). Vineyard cultural landscape of Serra Gaúcha: Reflections about heritage and tourism. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4).



Seminário Integrador : Turismo da Fronteira à Serra Gaúcha –Jaguarão Bento Go