Literature and Culture: spaces of invention and (Re)invention of the World


  • Ana Lúcia Montano Boéssio Universidade Federal do Pampa - Brasil



Interdisciplinarity, Literature, Culture.


Thinking literature as an “object of art”, from a comparative approach, this paper proposes the conjunction of two fields: the Cultural Studies, with its contribution for the understanding of the concept of culture, and the Aesthetics, as a way to emphasize the relevance of literary studies as a space of unveiling of the culture and the world, as well. Therefore, this paper has as a theoretical reference the concept of “culture as invention”, as proposed by Roy Wagner, and the works by Vincent Jouve and Jean Grondin, once the literary text is understood as a space of multiple confluences and, consequently, not only a space of unveiling but also of invention and/or reinvention of the culture it is related to, bringing as an example the representation of the feminine in o remorso de baltazar serapião, by Valter Hugo Mãe.


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Author Biography

Ana Lúcia Montano Boéssio, Universidade Federal do Pampa - Brasil

Doutora em Literaturas de Língua Inglesa pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Mestre em Literatura Italiana (Master of Arts: Italian Literature) pela Indiana University

Especialista em Poéticas Visuais pela FEEVALE

Docente do curso de Letras

Universidade Federal do Pampa – UNIPAMPA - Brasil


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How to Cite

Montano Boéssio, A. L. (2015). Literature and Culture: spaces of invention and (Re)invention of the World. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 1(1), 25–40.



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