7) INITIATION IN TEACHING PROGRAM: Attention to the hyperactivity and the attention deficit with students of the second year of the EMEF General Antônio de Sampaio in the city of Jaguarão/RS.


  • Yuri Andrews Feitoza da Silva Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Jaguarão/RS
  • Cínthia Pacífico Universidade Federal do Pampa
  • Marcia Motta
  • Everton Fêrrêr de Oliveira
  • Eliani Rosemeri Ferreira Soares




Development, learning, attention deficit, hyperactivity, especial education and EJA (youth and adults education).


This study is situated in the context of the PIBID (Institutional Program for Scholarships for Initiation in Teaching), financed by the CAPES.  Belongs to the Subproject Pedagogy and is defined as a subject area, Teaching Models: Special Education and Youth and Adult Education (EJA). Our team acts with a class of the second year of the elementary school on the EMEF General Antônio de Sampaio and our cropping is defined in attention to the development and learning of students, through observations we have identified some students with Attention Deficit Disorder and Hyperactivity traits, then we passed to the planning and development of actions in a preventive way to the consequences of this disorder. We can indicate that the movement of planning and search of formation about the subject has revealed changes both in the way as the teaching was ministered, as the understanding of the involved about the necessity of research of the practice.


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Author Biographies

Yuri Andrews Feitoza da Silva, Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA) - Campus Jaguarão/RS

Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela Universidade Federal do Pampa - área da educação.

Cínthia Pacífico, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Curso de Licenciatura em Pedagogia pela Universidade Federal do Pampa - estuda na área de educação.


CARR, Wilfred.; KEMMIS, Stephen. Teoría crítica de la enseñanza: La investigación-acción en la formación del professorado. Barcelona: Ediciones Martínez Roca S.A, 1988.

BRASIL. Portaria nº 096, de 18 de julho de 2013 – Aprova as normas do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência – Pibid. Disponível em: <http://www.capes.gov.br/educacao-basica/capespibid>. Acesso em abril de 2013.

PEREIRA, Júlio. E. D. As licenciaturas e as novas políticas educacionais para a formação docente. Educ. Soc., Campinas, v. 20, n. 68, p. 109-125, Dec. 1999. Disponível em: <http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0101-73301999000300006&lng=en&nrm=iso>. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2015.



How to Cite

Feitoza da Silva, Y. A., Pacífico, C., Motta, M., de Oliveira, E. F., & Soares, E. R. F. (2016). 7) INITIATION IN TEACHING PROGRAM: Attention to the hyperactivity and the attention deficit with students of the second year of the EMEF General Antônio de Sampaio in the city of Jaguarão/RS. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 2(1), 380–388. https://doi.org/10.23899/relacult.v2i1.135



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