Mexican telenovelas in Brazil: a cultural and social approach

The Impact of Mexican Telenovelas in Brazil




Cultures; Mexico; Society; Soap operas


This research’s main objectives are to understand how Mexican society is portrayed in telenovelas and how this representation might be conveyed to and interpreted in Brazilian society using cultural and social perspectives. The article will also discuss why Brazilians adopted these melodramas, most of them from the 1990´s and 2000´s, making them a highly popular domestic genre. It is no secret that Mexico exports many TV shows, and these works became very popular in South American society between the 1980s and the present. The Brazilian public occasionally notices significant differences between the TELEVISA network’s Mexican telenovelas and the GLOBO network’s Brazilian productions, which provides us with comparative issues concerning the cultures of both societies. The essay will also cover other topics, such as the shows' dubbing for the Brazilian audience and the peculiar names of Mexican soap operas, since they frequently serve as pretext for debauchery.



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Author Biography

Gustavo Costa, Baylor University

Doutor em Espanhol (Literatura Latino-Americana); Departamento de Línguas Estrangeiras Modernas - Baylor University; Waco, Texas, Estados Unidos; E-mail:


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How to Cite

Costa, G. (2023). Mexican telenovelas in Brazil: a cultural and social approach: The Impact of Mexican Telenovelas in Brazil. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 9(2).



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