Ludopedagogia: recreational-educational care for pediatrics University Hospital São Francisco de Paula-Pelotas / RS


  • Nivia Celoi Ferreira Universidade Católica de Pelotas



Play, child, hospital, ludic.


The respective project seeks to present the university extension project of the Faculty of Pedagogy of the Catholic University of Pelotas, named "Ludopedagogia: recreational-educational care for pediatrics University Hospital São Francisco de Paula - Pelotas RS". The proposal relies on the view that the play, in the context of the infant playfulness, is a relevant factor to stimulate the processes of human development, to insert the child in moments of relaxation and promote cognitive abilities, as well as, soften the tensions caused by the hospital environment. The presence of the play and everything related to it is one of the factors that facilitate and provide the adaptation of the sick to the hospital environment. Therefore, it requires the presence of a responsible (teacher) to mediate ludic experiences and create a link between the magic of play and familiar environment. Besides the presence of  this professional, the proposal aims at the participation of the family to create a welfare situation and proportionate the realization of exchanges, in this way, it’s possible to soften the emotional tension in hospital environment e promote strategies to the infant development. 


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How to Cite

Ferreira, N. C. (2016). Ludopedagogia: recreational-educational care for pediatrics University Hospital São Francisco de Paula-Pelotas / RS. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 2(1), 346–349.



Dossiê - Formação Acadêmica, Educação e Sociedade