Corredores iluminados

a cultura e a expressão artística nos corredores da universidade




Creative entrepreneurship, Collective spaces, University’s Third Mission, University and society, Integration


To promote and share culture and knowledge emerges a physical & virtual collective & interdisciplinary space. A place to study, relax, collaborate, and cultural integration between the academic and the external community. A bridge space for a better understanding of education and the university's role in communicating widely with the community. This article presents a spectrum of the path that connects homologous parts and aims to report the experience of creating the third mission program: "Corredores Iluminados", developed at a public university located in the south of Rio Grande do Sul. By transforming one underutilized space into a collective and interdisciplinary area, the group proposed reusing whiteboards that previously occupied the classrooms and were replaced due to offscourings and non-destination for disposal or recycling. Additionally, the program aimed to transform the university's corridors into art & cultural spaces, that became authentic artistic walls for cultural expression. The project indicates the third mission as an academic process defined and carried according to the local demands, and it appears indispensable in educational training and exchanges with society.


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Author Biographies

Patrícia Schneider Severo, UNIPAMPA

Doutora em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (2018); Professora da Universidade Federal do Pampa; Jaguarão, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil; E-mail:

Simone Portella Teixeira de Mello

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Pelotas (2007); Professora da Universidade Federal de Pelotas; Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil; E-mail:

Vanessa Eliza Fischer

MSc. International Business, Economics and Management at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – Belgium (2016); Colônia, Renânia do Norte-Vestfália, Alemanha;


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How to Cite

Severo, P. S. ., Mello, S. P. T. de, & Fischer, V. E. . (2021). Corredores iluminados: a cultura e a expressão artística nos corredores da universidade. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4).



Seminário Integrador : Turismo da Fronteira à Serra Gaúcha –Jaguarão Bento Go