La culture de café à Sainte-Suzanne, Haïti

une analyse de ses valeurs socioéconomiques


  • Israël Milius Université Courriel



This article presents an analysis of the agro socioeconomic performance of coffee growing in Sainte - Suzanne. The aim is to propose management options for better production. The methodological approach consisted in carrying out a field survey in three phases: an exploratory or preliminary survey to collect information on the study area. A second phase to test and adjust the questionnaire items. A final phase to conduct the formal and final survey. To conduct the formal survey, systematic sampling was used. Forty-five (45) coffee farmers were interviewed, fifteen (15) per communal section. The data collected after the analysis allowed us to deduce the indicators of agro-economic performance such as the value of the land (GVA/ha), the value of the work (GVA/total day) and the gross remuneration of the family work (GRTF). Finally, we proceeded to data analysis, discussion of the results, conclusion and recommendations. Furthermore, the results of the study confirm that groups I, II, and III generate, respectively, value-added per hectare of 62,791.83 gourdes, 98,272.84 gourdes, and 76,357.99 gourdes, and gross remuneration of family labor of 3,533.59 gourdes, 7,340.92 gourdes and 6,544.29 gourdes.


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Author Biography

Israël Milius, Université Courriel

Master en Economie et Gestion des Collectivités Territoriales, professeur d’ Université Courriel:


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How to Cite

Milius, I. (2022). La culture de café à Sainte-Suzanne, Haïti: une analyse de ses valeurs socioéconomiques. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 8(2).



HAITI E SUA DIVERSIDADE CIENTÍFICA: contribuições ao pensamento latino