Reflexões sobre a produção e a circulação de sentidos acerca da Covid-19 à luz da Análise de Discurso


  • Naiara Souza da Silva Universidade Federal de Pelotas
  • Mariana Jantsch de Souza Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense


Análise de Discurso, Covid-19, Leitura


In this text, we propose a space for the work of reading and interpreting the discourses that are (re) produced, that circulate and that move in the context in which we lived, from Covid-19. Our analytical gesture starts from our theoretical affiliation in Discourse Analysis (AD), whose theoretical precursor is Michel Pêcheux, and our main objective is to promote an analysis of discursive practices that address the pandemic, focusing on language in its relations with history and ideology. In this way, the reading practice that we develop consists of a work of construction/deconstruction/construction of the text, taking into account the conditions of production in which it is produced so that, from that, we can observe the relations that the discourse establishes with other discourses and how the senses are (re) produced. With this understanding of reading, then, we focus our attention on the discursive practices that seek to give meaning to the historical event of Covid-19, from our perspective, we propose to analyze how the pandemic is significanted in this discourse and how the relations of inequality , which structure the functioning of our society, materialize in/by language, emerging in this text. By observing, thus, the functioning of the discourse in the exercise of the power of the dominant ideology, we expose the contradictions of a society divided into classes, whose mechanism of control / domination of one class over the other occurs in daily discursive practices.


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How to Cite

Souza da Silva, N. ., & Jantsch de Souza, M. (2021). Reflexões sobre a produção e a circulação de sentidos acerca da Covid-19 à luz da Análise de Discurso. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4). Retrieved from



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