The colonization as a device of knowledge from Gloria Anzaldúa`s writing





The discussions that emerge here are part of the studies fomented in the study group Celebracao dos “Sujeitos Periféricos”, at the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Três Lagoas Campus, supervised by Dra. Vânia Lescano Guerra. Besides, this research is part of my discussions on my theses, which objective is to study the identity constitution process of the Chicana woman from the novel Borderlands/La frontera: the new mestiza (2012), written by Gloria Anzaldúa, especially the possible identity represantations, seeking the sense of meanings of the colonized discipline that the Chicana woman is facing nowadays. To reach my goal, it is necessary to study the knowledge/power relation (FOUCAULT, 2013), via Discorse Analysis. We also based on Local Geoistoric (NOLASCO, 2013), under the deconstructive-discourse (GUERRA, 2015; 2016), to aprehend how colonization of the mind/knowledge is produced. My hypothesis is that the writing may be examed as a palimpsest that leaves marks that overlap others and cannot be silenced. From the analysis I could observe that the writing is permeated of disciplinarian violence device practiced by the “white man” through hate and ethinic and sexual discrimination. I also could exam on the writing visible marks of control and silence that perpetuate the colonization which annulant exclusion, delegitimizing the autonomy of the Chican woman.


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Author Biography


Mestre e doutorando em Letras; UFMS; Três Lagoas, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil;


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How to Cite

Tinoco , J. P. F. (2021). The colonization as a device of knowledge from Gloria Anzaldúa`s writing. RELACult - Revista Latino-Americana De Estudos Em Cultura E Sociedade, 7(4).



Latinidades – Fórum Latino-Americano de Estudos Fronteiriços